We started this day with a trip to Montparnasse cemetery to see the graves of Samuel Beckett, Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvior.

An overview of the cemetery.

Here I am at the grave of
de Beauvior and
Sartre. It was covered with metro passes with notes written on them and held in place with a small stone.

Our next stop was the fly-fishing shop I located, but first we had to cross the Seine. Here is a shot of me crossing the Seine on our way to the shop. It was just across the bridge and the water below is not a bad spot to fish.

la Masion de la Mouche fly-fishing shop. It was a great place to look around and talk fishing with the owner. Speaking of the owner he is the son of the guy who started it in the 1920s and
Hemingway was a frequent customer and storyteller at this shop. I bought a set of flies called the "Hemingway set" as they were the flies he typically used when fishing the Seine. A very fun stop.

Below, a shot of Hemingway fly-fishing.

Cindy on the street with a great orange bag of French chocolate!
On the Left Bank we found the hotel where Oscar Wilde died and
Jorge Luis Borges frequently stayed while in Paris.

We saw this puppy out for a walk on the Left Bank and Christy loved it!

We made a stop by Cafe Deux Magots. It was the cafe that Simone de Beauvoir, Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus frequented.

The square across from the cafe Maggot was somewhat appropriately named. I was surprised that Camus is somewhat low-profile in Paris and Sartre and Beauvoir are high-profile. I think it may be the fact that Camus was Algerian born and supported their independence.

In the afternoon we strolled the Luxembourg Gardens. Here is a shot of a cool statue in the gardens.

We stopped to watch a competitive game of
Bocce Ball.

More interesting street art captured on our way to home.

Fabulous! Now I can just send this to anyone asking about the trip! Thanks for putting it together. You did a great job!!
More Paris!!!! More, more, more....
Day 5 looked quite relaxing...
Everything looked beautiful in Paris and looks like you had a great time. But, do they have any good beer in Paris?
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