This weekend we ran down to St. Louis.
We met Marc, Khara and Bri at the
Budweiser plant for a tour.
I recommend doing this if you are in St. Louis, the grounds are wonderful, the tour is interesting and best of all it is free, including beer at the end.
Here are some shots while on the tour starting with the entrance to the plant.

And inside the Bud Light mini-plane.

One of the first delivery trucks in perfect shape.

Everybody loves the Budweiser Clydesdales.

The Clydesdales are housed in a wonderful stable right on the grounds. Here we are entering the stable.

Inside we caught the Budweiser Dalmatian napping in the straw on a cold winter day.

Christy checking out the brew tanks.

Me, Marc and Khara outside on the grounds.

Christy, Khara, Marc and Bri waiting to see the labeling plant.

A view of the brewing facilities.

My favorite detail of the plant, this super cool fox gargoyle. He is called the "
Bevo Fox" and was their marketing image during prohibition.

In the gift shop they sold the coolest thing ever. A koozie that goes on your hand and not on the can!

The Bud hand-koozie ready for action.
1 comment:
A man from Kansas City walks into a bar and asks, “Wanna hear a joke about people from St. Louis?”
The bartender says, “Listen, pal, I’m from St. Louis, and I won’t appreciate it. The man sitting next to you is 265 pounds, and he’s from St. Louis too. And the bouncer, that huge guy there, is also from St. Louis. So do you still want to tell that joke?”
“No,” says the guy from Kansas City. “Not if I have to explain it three times.”
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